How to remove liquidity from Trumpswap
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Let’s go to the step by step to remove the liquidity.
1. Access TrumpSwap
Visit TrumpSwap’s website: Next, select the “Remove Liquidity” to open the TrumpRemoveLiquidity page.
2. Connect Wallet
Ensure that your wallet is connected to the Base network via a compatible wallet like MetaMask. If not already connected, click on the “Connect Wallet” button and select your preferred wallet provider. Follow the prompts to connect.
3. Select the number of tokens to be withdrawn.
4. Remove Liquidity
Click on the “Remove Liquidity” button, then click on the “Next” button.
5. In your wallet, approve TrumpSwap to access your LP tokens (UNI-V2). This transaction requires network costs.
6. Select "Confirm"
7. Once confirmed, Your Removing Liquidity transaction is submitted to the blockchain and is pending.
8. A confirmation notification will appear once the transaction is complete. To view the transaction, select “View on BaseScan”. Otherwise, select "Close".